Below is the introduction from my article/short e-book titled 10 Ways To Be Healthier and Realize Your Best Self which is available free to download in PDF file format on as a gift for signing up for my email list and free newsletter. I wanted to start with the introduction to give you an idea of what you might expect from the article as a whole. No matter where you are in your personal development journey you will find value in every list item. I will be posting list items, or elements of them every so often so keep checking the website ( for new blog posts, as well as the 3-Pillar Coaching YouTube channel ( for new videos! Check out the specific video I made where I go through some of the concepts in this introduction in more detail:
This article is a no-nonsense glimpse behind the curtain at aspects of our programming (our dirty little sponge), perspective (the lens through which we see our world), habits, beliefs, and Identity, and how they are all key to achieving real and lasting transformation in our lives. I invite you to not just ponder the concepts, but really sit deeply with the ideas. Take them in. This is an introspective exercise. Because that’s where the real insight happens. I also invite you to read being open to insight and not looking for things to agree and disagree with. This will allow you to be more present.
It is not my intention to flood you with information and give you answers. You have the entire history of the knowledge compiled by humans readily available at your fingertips. You are already on information overload. You don’t need better answers. You need better fucking questions! It is my intention to help you weed through the useless crap and suggest some real-world actions that will set you on a path to real growth.
This is not some fluffy feel-good list full of bullshit platitudes like, “Love yourself, Exercise more, Blah Fucking Blah Blah”. I wouldn’t be serving you powerfully if I just blew smoke up your butt and told you that you are an amazing unicorn and all you had to do is start getting up at 5:00 am, meditating, repeating some mantra, juicing up fifty bucks worth of fruits and veggies, and running through your neighborhood till you pass out on the sidewalk. Then, you will be gorgeous, successful and fulfilled and live happily ever after!
There is much more to it than that!
Now, I am not saying you shouldn’t do those things. Except for the passing out on the sidewalk thing. Try not to do that. It tends to piss off the neighbors. One thing at a time, Cupcake. The good news is it starts with the one thing in the world you have control over…YOU! It is my job to challenge your thinking, help you push your edges, help you take stock of what it is that has you stuck, and give you the space to have the insights that may lead to transformations that will actually make a difference in ALL aspects of your life.
You want some fluff? Okay, here it is. I believe in you! I really do believe in your power to create positive change in your life! You are more powerful than you know. I also believe in your ability to wade ankle deep in your own bullshit and not have a clue that squishy feeling between your toes is why you aren’t striding at the pace you think you should be. Believe me, I know. You should smell my shoes!
My goal is to serve you by challenging your thinking (remember that part?) and the way you see your world, not playing nice all the time and telling you exactly what you want to hear. Some aspects of this list and the real work that goes along with it may be hard to stomach. As a matter of fact, it will be fucking uncomfortable. But baby, that’s where the magic happens! Oh, and if you have not noticed by now, what you read here is the authentic me. I try to explain things in a direct and sometimes humorous way. If you are triggered by some straight talk and colorful language, you may need this list more than most. Please, read on…..